Took the Pug plus a friends Voodoo Dambala to Bristol at the weekend for the Bristol Bike fest and the UK Single Speed champs. Great weekend with hot weather and lovely dry, bumpy and rocky/rooty trails. Partnered up for the 12 hour enduro on singlespeeds (used the Voodoo) on the Saturday and we WON!! (Deano and I) by a whole lap. Was a great feeling and the first time in 21 years of mountain binking that I'd won any race!!!
I ended up doing 4 laps of the course on the Pugsley and 6 on the Voodoo. Was good to mix between the two, with the Pug being comfier and the Voodoo being faster.
Sunday saw the SSUK, with traditional beer/riding/racing/arsing about that entails. Was great to meet up with everyone and some great prizes were gievn out to anyone that didn't actually win the races ;0)
Rode the Pug and did a couple of laps but was battered from the previous days racing and overheating in the hot weather. George Budd won the lads race (and I think I made him laugh as he overtook me saying..."on your right" and I replied with..."on your right?? What do you think this is..a race??" ).
Jenn Hopkins won the ladies race for the 5th time in a row...and by an impressive margin.
A great weekend had by all.
1 comment:
Congratulations on your first win! Guess all those years of preparation of finally paid off. :o)
Good work by Jenn there too, still winning all that comes her way then!
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